Happiness Rocks

My weekends have been a blur this year and I’ve spent much of my time being wonderfully creative: One retreat spent figuring out whether digital photo album design is my direction, another, helping friends bottle a barrel of wine. 2015HappyBottling
However, last weekend, I created stuff!

My client requested colorful cards for her annual birthday set. I designed them with a thoughtful stamp and silk flowers. My process was to cut the paper and stamp, then coordinate flowers and assemble, finishing with a blingy brad for sparkle. By the time I’d finished 50, I had a vibrant garden on my desk!
2015HappyBdayCard 2015HappyBdayCards

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Just a small project…

It’s not really a surprise. I’ve known about her pregnancy for the past six months. I just wasn’t thinking that I would make anything…and then I had second thoughts. It might be nice to make a baby blanket. You know, it’s a small project and I seem to be able to finish smallish projects these days. So, why not! It’s only a couple weeks before Christmas. I’m not busy! Heh.

Here’s my starting fabric:2014BabyQuiltFabric

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Secret Chicken

This holiday, I again signed up for the Year End Secret Swap-a-ganza gift exchange for my BAMQG. Unlike other deadlines, I created my little quilty work of art THREE DAYS in advance!

The request for a potholder for a teapot handle was pretty specific. There was only one problem. I didn’t know what that would look like! I searched the web for some clue as to what I needed to make, to no avail. Then it hit me, why not make a chicken?

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Just around the Corner

Noticing the crispness of the air on my morning walk, I realize that an end to another Kreative year fast approaches. And yet, there’s so much to do before the Holiday Season starts!

Once I finished my all-consuming Heart Quilt last year, I found myself adding new projects at an alarming rate. I suppose that I was giddy as a schoolgirl when I started looking at all the stunning fabric choices I now had! But first things first: The List.

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My Amish Muse

A call for entries to the local Modern quilt guilds went out earlier this summer. It seems an Ohio Amish Quilt Exhibition is coming to the SJ Quilt & Textile Museum in November and the idea for a juried Modern show, Amish: The Modern Muse, is planned.

Hmm, where to start? Perhaps a loose definition of the typical characteristics of an Amish quilt might help. Besides being made by someone who is Amish/Menonite, these quilts tend to have a strong geometric design in either muted (browns, greys, olive, rust) or single color, often black, with vivid color combinations.

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Did Somebody Say Sampler?

Oftentimes, I admire those amazing sampler quilts filled with precise paper piecing techniques or applique work, but am not sure how I’d ever manage to make anything so elaborate. All that fussy piecing! Not that I don’t do that already. Heh. That changed when members of my Modern Quilt Guild started a small group working on Tula Pink’s City Sampler 100 Modern Quilt Blocks. These designs seemed fairly straightforward, so I jumped in this Spring. Even before I had the book, my friend texted me a couple blocks, so I could make them for the first meeting.

During the year, I struck upon the idea to use all the extra Hoffman fabrics and happily restarted my Tula project this October. Hoffman Tula blocks! What fun!2014TulaCity0012014TulaCity002

Creative Autumn Retreat

Time to recharge with my creative colleagues for a Quilty Retreat!

Even thought I had plenty of projects with me, my friend E, was making these French seamed pillowcases and I couldn’t resist making my own set out of this yummy Michele Hill fabric I found last month. Her designs keep ‘the genius of William Morris alive.

2014craftycasesThese were supposed to be the same, however I was 2” shy to do both bands in one color, so I found a fun tutorial and added Prairie Points to the band. Now they are just adorable!

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